10 lutego 2013
Zapowiadane i aktywne ekspedycje i wyprawy DIGITAL
BURKINA FASO, XT2TT 21 February to 6 March 2013
RODRIQUES ISLAND, 3B9. Operators Toshi, JA8BMK; Ken, JN1THL (AB1GJ) and Yoshiko, JQ1LCW (KF7JXL), plan to be active from March 1 to 10. Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters using SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. If time permits Toshi will operate from Mauritius Island as 3B8/JA8BMK on February 27 and 28. QSL via EA5GL, direct only.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Operators John, KB8RJ and XYL Crissie, WD8KUR will be active as VP2MRS and VP2MUR, respectively, until March 14. Activity will be holiday style on 80 to 10 meters, including the WARC bands, using mostly SSB and some PSK. QSL both call signs via KB8RJ.
ST. LUCIA, J6. Rob, N7QT, will be QRV as J6/N7QT between April 5 and 16. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY or PSK, as well as operating field portable (battery only) either from the St. Lucia beaches or scenic mountain tops. During field portable operations, they will sign /P. QSL J6/N7QT via LoTW, eQSL, by the Bureau, or direct to his home call sign with SASE. J69DS will only accept direct QSLs with a SASE. No Bureau QSLs.
BONAIRE, PJ4. Operators Janusz, SP9FIH and Kazik, SP6AXW will be active as PJ4/home calls between April 8 and 20. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using SSB and RTTY. QSL via SP9FIH: Janusz Wegrzyn, P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland.