Rules of the SPDX RTTY Contest 2025
Sponsored by PZK,PKRVG
Rules of the SPDX RTTY Contest 2025
The SPDX RTTY Contest organized the Polish Radiovideography Club (PK RVG)
is held on the 4th full weekend of April. (26/27 April 2025).
1. Contest Period: 12.00 UTC Saturday , through 12.00 UTC Sunday.
2. Bands: 3,5 - 28 MHz without WARC bands.
3. Mode: RTTY
4. Classes:
A.Single Operator, All Band, HP.
B. Single Operator, All Band, LP.
C. Single Operator, All Band , QRP (outside SP + SP).
D. Multi Operator, All Band, One Tx.
E. Multi Multi
F. SWL (outside SP + SP).
G. SP Single Op. All Band, HP.
H. SP Single Op. All Band, LP.
I. SP Multi Op. All Band One Tx.
J. SP Multi Op. All Band, Multi Tx.
K. Novice, Single Op, All Band (outside SP + SP).
Single Operator means that all contest activities, station operating, logging and score keeping are performed by one person. In addition, only one signal may be transmitted at any given time.
Multi-operator Single Transmitter only, means that only one signal may be transmitted at any given time.
Multi-operator Multi Transmitter means a maximum of five transmitted signals one per band, at any one time. Five band may be activated simultaneously.
High Power the maximum output power allowed by your license class.
Low Power the maximum output power is 100 W.
QRP the maximum output power is 5 W.
Novice means SO plus who was hold license in the past three years.
5. Message:
Foreign station send : RST & QSO Number. (599001)
Polish station transmits : RST & two letters denoting the poviats like (DY,RU,KA,WA etc.).
6. Points:
QSO with own country 2 points.
QSO with other countries in own continent 5 points.
QSO with other continents 10 points.
QSO with UA or EW - 0 points.
7. Multiplier:
Each DXCC country Without UA and EW and each different poviats ( max. 380 for each band ) count as a multiplier .
Multiplier count only once on each band.
Each continent QSO counts as a multiplier ( max. 6 ) of all bands.
8. Scoring:
(Sum of QSO points) x (Sum of countries + sum of poviats) x number of continents worked (max. 6) = total score
9. SWL:
Polish and Foreign SWL’s must log the callsign, signal report and exchange sent by two station.
Points, multiplier and scoring is the same as for transmitting stations.
Both Polish stations and foreign stations can only be logged once per band .
10. Contest Call :
CQ SPDX TEST for all station.
11. Awards:
1st place plaque to top winner in all classes, 1st through 3rd place certificates, all classes.
Note: Awards and plaque will be issued based on participation of 50 or more entries in each class.
11a.During the contest there is the possibility of getting a award "SP Poviat" dyplomy.html in the appropriate class during the competition.
12. Results: The Contest Committed will send results to all stations who worked in the contest and submitted log.
13. Logs:
CABRILLO is preferred format .Web upload is the preferred method of log submission!!! Web upload of logs is available at - upload.
Email submission is also available, should be sent to
The Cabrillo log should be attached as a file, with your callsign in the “Subject:” line of the email.
Your output file should be named by your callsign, i.e. SP0AAA.CBR
However as an exception all text format LOGs generated by other logging programs may be used as check logs.
A listing of logs received can be found at RCVD-logs.
14. Deadline: All entries must be sent WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS after the end of the contest. Resubmitting an entry after the deadline will result in it being considered as a late log.
15. Polish Poviat's list (districs) is below : Lista powiatow SP-Poviats
Full results and rules of the SP RTTY Contest can be seen at web :